RITTER Companies
RITTER (Germany)
44892 Bochum / Germany
Phone +49-234-92293-0
Email mailbox@ritter.de
29486 Summerville, South Carolina / USA
Phone +1-203-969-5317
Email mailbox@ritter-us.com
RITTER (Russia)
199004 St. Petersburg / Russia
Phone +7-92-194-40471
Email mailbox@ritter-ru.com
RITTER (India)
422007 Nashik, Maharashtra / India
Phone +91-9420692840
Email mailbox@ritter-in.com
With over 75 distributors worldwide, use a dense distribution network and get RITTER products directly at the point of contact.
The Biogas Batch Fermentation System with automatic data logging, you save valuable time and receive at the same time up to 18 measurement results!
Maintenance Free
RITTER provides highly accurate measurement, even for highly-aggressive gases – and this for more than 25-years maintenance free!
History & Development
Historical Milestones
- 01.07.1951 · Foundation of the „Wilhelm Ritter Company“ by Wilhelm Ritter
- 1958 · RITTER manufactures the first gas meter fully made out of thermoplastics
- 1986 · Take-over of management by Dr. Joachim Ritter
- 1996 · Invention of “High Precision Level Indicator” for drum-type meters (patented)
- 2000 · RITTER introduces the »MilliGascounter« being the smallest volumetric gas meter world-wide
- 2012 · Biogas branch (Research & Development): Biogas Batch Fermentation System (BBFS)
- Leading manufacturer of Laboratory Gas Meters world-wide
- Distributor network in all industrial countries
- Volumetric measurements of gas flow rates from 1 ml/h to 18,000 ltr/h
- Repeatability of RITTER Drum-type Gas Meters better than 0.05% (measurements at PTB)
- Calibration of gas volume with an uncertainty of 0.5 %
Industries & Business Segments
Special partners

- Europe-wide operating laboratory group for analytics in the fields of agriculture, environment, water, food and feed
- AgroLab is a user of the RITTER Biogas Batch Fermentation Systems

- Gas analysis systems for process control
- High-quality all-in-one systems for continuous fermentation trials with RITTER Drum-type Gas Meters

FnBB e.V.
- German Biogas and Bioenergy Society (FnBB e.V.)
- Gas sensors and innovative gas measurement systems
- OEM manufacturer of photometric core sensor modules inside RITTER »MultiGas« Sensors