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L’evento leader della chimica nel sud dell’Europa … si svolgerà dal 14 al 17 settembre 2021 a Barcellona, Spagna. Expoquimia è concepita come un punto d’incontro completo tra industria e scienza, attraverso la sostenibilità, la diffusione delle conoscenze e la …
Leggi tuttoExpoquimia
A causa della pandemia di Covid-19 / coronavirus, la fiera di quest’anno si terrà esclusivamente in modo virtuale dal 04 al 06 maggio 2021. Per ulteriori informazioni si prega di fare riferimento al sito ufficiale. “Con la sua gamma più …
Leggi tuttoSENSOR+TEST 2021
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A causa della pandemia di Covid-19 / coronavirus, la Conferenza ed esposizione europea della biomassa di quest’anno si terrà quasi esclusivamente in modo virtuale dal 26 al 29 aprile 2021. Più di 1500 delegati, 5000 visitatori e autori provenienti da …
Leggi tuttoEUBCE 2021
Aufgrund der weltweiten Situation und der Covid-19 / Coronavirus Pandemie wird die diesjährige Europäische Biomassenkonferenz- und Ausstellung auf den 6. – 9. Juli 2020 verschoben und virtuell abgehalten. Wichtige Informationen zur diesjährigen virtuellen e-EUBCE finden Sie hier. Bioeconomy’s role in …
Leggi tuttoEUBCE 2020
EUBCE 2019 Banner
The 27th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE 2019) is set to take place from May 27th to 30th of 2019 in Lisbon, Portugal. EUBCE has become the world’s leading event for all things biomass including its exhibition showcasing relevant …
Leggi tuttoEUBCE 2019
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The SENSOR+TEST trade fair is the world’s leading panel for sensors, measurement and testing technology. With its 591 exhibitors from 32 nations (2018) SENSOR+TEST imposingly presented the entire spectrum of measuring and testing system expertise from sensors to computers. The parallel …
Leggi tuttoSENSOR+TEST 2019
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Innovation · Know-how · Internationality Experience this year’s leading trade fair for decentralized energy supply with more than 31,000 trade visitors and 357 specialist exhibitors (in 2017) covering over 25,000 m² of floor space. EnergyDecentral features products and services ranging from bioenergy to …
Leggi tuttoEnergyDecentral 2018
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Between the 12th and 14th of December 2017 the largest international trade fair dedicated to biogas takes place at the Exhibition Center in Nuremberg. Various plenary sessions, workshops und a wealth of events can be expected. The highlights of this …
Leggi tutto27. BIOGAS Convention & Trade Fair