Downloads do RITTERRITTER / Downloads Indice dei contenuti 1 Panoramica2 Opuscoli3 Brevi descrizioni4 Software5 Manuali6 MSDS Scheda di sicurezza7 Fogli di dati (PDF)7.1 TG Contatori di Gas a Tamburo7.1.1 TG Contatori di Gas a Tamburo Thermoplastica7.1.2 TG Contatori di Gas a Tamburo Acciaio inossidabile7.2 MGC MilliGascounters7.3 RMS Sensori »MultiGas«7.4 BG Contatori di gas a soffietto7.5 Accessori8 Servizio9 Pubblicazioni Panoramica RITTER Product Overview Opuscoli TG Drum-type Gas Meters MGC MilliGascounters BBFS Biogas Batch Fermentation System 4.0 BBFS System 4.0 Features BBFS PMMA Fermentation Bottle BBFS CO₂ Absorption System »MultiGas« Sensors The »FermAlyzer« CH₄ CO₂ Brevi descrizioni TG Brief Description MGC Short Description BG Brief Description RIGAMO Brief Description Software RIGAMO Software V 4.26 Manuali TG Manual MGC Manual BG Manual RIGAMO Manual EDU 32 FP Manual »MultiGas« Manual »MultiGas« Software Manual MSDS Scheda di sicurezza Pionier 4281 (MSDS) Silox (MSDS) CalRiX (MSDS) HCl solution 1.8 vol% – 0.5 mol/ltr (MSDS) Fogli di dati (PDF) TG Contatori di Gas a Tamburo TG Contatori di Gas a Tamburo Thermoplastica TG Thermoplastica (sovrapressione 50 mbar) TG 0.5 Thermoplastic TG 1 Thermoplastic TG 3 Thermoplastic TG 5 Thermoplastic TG 10 Thermoplastic TG 20 Thermoplastic TG 25 Thermoplastic TG 50 Thermoplastic TG Contatori di Gas a Tamburo Acciaio inossidabile TG Acciaio inossidabile (sovrapressione 0,5 bar) TG 0.5 Stainless Steel TG 1 Stainless Steel TG 3 Stainless Steel TG 5 Stainless Steel TG 10 Stainless Steel TG 20 Stainless Steel TG 25 Stainless Steel TG 50 Stainless Steel TG Acciaio inossidabile (sovrapressione 1 bar) TG 0.5 Stainless Steel 1 bar TG 1 Stainless Steel 1 bar TG 3 Stainless Steel 1 bar TG 5 Stainless Steel 1 bar TG 10 Stainless Steel 1 bar TG 20 Stainless Steel 1 bar TG 25 Stainless Steel 1 bar TG 50 Stainless Steel 1 bar TG Acciaio inossidabile (sovrapressione >1 bar) TG 0.5 Stainless Steel 6 bar TG 1 Stainless Steel 6 bar TG 1 Stainless Steel 10 bar TG 1 Stainless Steel 16 bar TG 1 Stainless Steel 40 bar TG 3 Stainless Steel 6 bar TG 3 Stainless Steel 10 bar TG 5 Stainless Steel 6 bar TG 10 Stainless steel 6 bar TG 20 Stainless Steel 6 bar TG 25 Stainless Steel 6 bar TG 25 Stainless Steel 10 bar TG 50 Stainless Steel 6 bar MGC MilliGascounters MGC-PMMA MGC-PVDF RMS Sensori »MultiGas« Infrared Modules NDIR Ultraviolet Modules NDUV Ultraviolet Module NDUV / UVRAS Ultraviolet Module NDUV / H₂S BG Contatori di gas a soffietto BG 4 BG 6 BG 10 BG 16 BG 40 BG 100 Accessori Thermometer TG (Gas) Thermometer TG (Packing Liquid) Thermometer BG Manometer for pressure pmax ≤ 50 mbar Manometer for pressure pmax = 60 mbar Manometer for pressure pmax ≤ 1 bar Manometer for pressure pmax ≤ 10 bar LCD Display Electronic Display Unit »EDU 32 FP« Pulse Generator 2.0 EX Pulse Generator 3.2-50 »Smart PG« Pulse Generator 3.2-200 »Smart PG« Pulse Generator 4.01 Pulse Generator 4.11 Pulse Generator V6.0 (Reed Contact) Intrinsic Safety Barrier (ISB) Installation Packing Liquid Pionier 4281 Packing Liquid Silox Packing Liquid CalRiX High Precision Packing Liquid Level Indicator (HPLI) Savety Valve, free blow-off Savety Valve, closed completion Servizio »MultiGas« Sensors Checklist Certificate of Compliance for Repair & Recalibration for RITTER Gas Meters Certificate of Compliance for Repair & Recalibration for RITTER »MultiGas« Sensors Pubblicazioni Biogas Batch Fermentation System Prof. Dr. Gerhard Wiegleb and Dr.-Ing. Joachim Ritter on behalf of WITec GmbHpublished in Environmental Laboratory 04/2024 Accelerated Biomethane Potential for Straw with Artificially Flocculated Sludge Paul Scherer, Richard Arthur, Sebastian Antonczykpublished by Elsevier Ltd. 07/2021 Biomethane Potential Test: Influence of Inoculum and the Digestion System Benedikt Hülsemann et al.published in Applied Science 04/2020 Biochemicalmethane Potential (BMP) of Solid Organic Substrates Francesco Raposo, Paul Scherer et al.published by Society of Chemical Industry 2011 A New Concept to Prove the Degradation Rate of Solid Biomass during Anaerobic Digestion Paul Scherer, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW)published for the Venice Symposium 11/2008 A Miniaturized Instrument to Measure Slow Biogas Flow Rates Paul Scherer, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW)published in Proceedings of Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Wastes 2002 Hydrogen Production on CoFe, CoFeMn and CoFeMo Coatings Deposited on Ni Foam via Electroless Metal Plating IdrogenoHuma Amber et al.published by CHEMIJA 2023 Long-Term Hydrogen Production from a Methanol–Water Solution Catalyzed by an Iridium Complex IdrogenoShohichi Furukawa et al.published in Catalysts by MDPI 06/2023 Non-Precious Metals Catalysts for Hydrogen Generation IdrogenoZita Sukackienė et al.published in Coatings by MDPI 10/2023 Fiber-Shaped Co Modified with Au and Pt Crystallites for Enhanced Hydrogen Generation from Sodium Borohydride IdrogenoA. Zabielaitė et al.published by Elsevier Ltd. 11/2018 Hydrogen Generation via Sodium Borohydride Hydrolysis Using Graphene Supported Platinum-Ruthenium-Cobalt Catalysts IdrogenoM. Semaško et al.published by The Electrochemical Society 2015 Microbial Electrolysis Cells for High Yield Hydrogen Gas Production from Organic Matter IdrogenoBruce E. Logan et al.published by American Chemical Society 2008