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Microbial Electrolysis Cells for High Yield Hydrogen Gas Production from Organic Matter

Hydrogen Generation via Sodium Borohydride Hydrolysis Using Graphene Supported Platinum-Ruthenium-Cobalt Catalysts

Fiber-Shaped Co Modified with Au and Pt Crystallites for Enhanced Hydrogen Generation from Sodium Borohydride

Non-Precious Metals Catalysts for Hydrogen Generation

Long-Term Hydrogen Production from a Methanol–Water Solution Catalyzed by an Iridium Complex

Hydrogen Production on CoFe, CoFeMn and CoFeMo Coatings Deposited on Ni Foam via Electroless Metal Plating

A Miniaturized Instrument to Measure Slow Biogas Flow Rates

A New Concept to Prove the Degradation Rate of Solid Biomass during Anaerobic Digestion

Biochemicalmethane Potential (BMP) of Solid Organic Substrates

Biomethane Potential Test: Influence of Inoculum and the Digestion System