Elektronische Anzeigeeinheit

  • Geeignet für RITTER Trommel-Gaszähler und Balgen-Gaszähler
  • Mikrocomputer-gesteuertes Zähl- und Anzeigegerät des aktuellen Volumens und Volumenstromes des Gases
  • Besitzt eine zweizeilige Klartext-LCD-Anzeige


The EDU 32 FP accessory is a microcomputer-controlled counter and display apparatus. It is designed to be used in conjunction with RITTER Gas Meters, to count and display the absolute volume and flow-rate of gases flowing through the Meter. It consists of a unit in a separate (desktop) casing with a two-line Plain-Text-LCD-Display.

The following individual alterations and functions can be programmed via the Control Buttons:

  • Gas Meter type being used
  • Individual measurement range (min./max. flow rates) for custom-built Gas Meters
  • Upper and lower limiting values for Flow Rate
  • Pulse Generator in use:
    • Standard (200 Pulses per revolution of the measurement drum)
    • Ex-Proof (50 Pulses/Revolution)
    • 2 x 200 Pulses (forward/backward)
    • 500 Pulses per revolution of the measuring drum
    • Custom-built Models (customer-preferred number of pulses under 200 or 50 respectively)
  • Language German/English in the Display
  • Analog-Output: Current Output or Voltage Output
  • Contrast adjustment of the Display